Intro to Critical theory

Kritiks are a rejection of the affirmative plan, for those who want to argue identity or philosophy, or any other agent outside of the state.

<aside> ✨ Learn more about adapting to your judge in The K and Judge adaptation


Link 🔗

What does the affirmative do that is bad?

Impact 💥

What does the affirmative action mean for the world?

Alternative 🔃

What should the judge do instead?

Framework 🖌️

What viewpoint of the world does the Kritik use?

Bad habits 🛑

  1. Never reduce kritiks to individual authors, most individual authors have their own ideas and will not unilaterally agree
  2. Avoid using “buzzwords” and philosophical jargon instead of explaining, saying patriarchy doesn’t explain what is wrong in society, you need to understand the subject to run it properly.
  3. Reading more than 3 pieces of evidence after the 1NC should be avoided, unlike Disadvantages you should focus on reading less evidence and answering the permutation, any offence, and emphasizing your impacts.
  4. Don’t learn kritiks by reading files, they require outside knowledge to support and back.
    1. The bigger the file is, the more likely it is to be inconsistent
    2. Reading the original text and source authors is usually more effective for learning about the subject
  5. Don’t use theory on permutations unless it’s absolutely true.

Thinking about Kritiks differently 💭

Critical theorists are producing books and articles consistently, however as a result of their freedom they are often very heavy and require a lot of explanation. Critical theorists also often respond to earlier theorists, it’s important to know who is responding to what to avoid contradicting yourself.

Spin and how to use Kritiks 🌀

Figuring out which nuances matter is key to running your Kritik, as you need to emphasize said nuances in cross exams and rebuttals. Most teams do not have good responses to a good K, the issue is often explaining it well enough to persuade the judge.

<aside> ✨ If you know your argument really well, you can call the other team on trying to address your augment for other pretenses or issues with it.


In cross exams, make sure to take clear stances on aspects of the affirmative case