Intro to running Disadvantage Arguments

Disadvantage arguments are offensive💥cost-benefit ⚖️ analysis tools the NEG can use to make an argument for the status quo. They hinge on the idea that if the status quo changes, usually based on something the AFF argues for, it will result in an unintended consequence. Think of arguments like rope bridges, if any part is cut you can’t cross.

Uniqueness 🌺

Uniqueness is what is happening now to stop the bad thing from happening, why the current situation is unique. In the case of job guarantees, let’s say currently small businesses are recovering from economic decline due to increased spending and labor available.

<aside> <img src="/icons/history_red.svg" alt="/icons/history_red.svg" width="40px" /> Uniqueness changes very quickly, especially as different bills are passing or stalled, it’s paramount to update your evidence constantly, on the morning of a tournament for example.


Link đź”—

Link is the affirmative plan or action that initiates the sequence of events leading to the disadvantage. The link must part of the plan, or something caused by the plan. In the case of small businesses, this would be the AFF implementing federal jobs.

Internal Link 🧨

The internal link connects the link to the impact, explaining why the AFF causes something bad. In this case, we know the AFF implements job guarantees, but how does that kill small businesses? Well, if the government offers $15 an hour as a minimum wage, small businesses which can only afford $7 will not be able to compete, causing them to lose their work force.

Impact đź’Ą

The negative impact that happens because of the AFF, for small business, because of federal government competition they lose all their workers and go out of business, small business make up 44% of all economic activity in the US, so you could argue the US will lose a substantial portion of it’s economy causing a crisis.

<aside> <img src="/icons/fire_red.svg" alt="/icons/fire_red.svg" width="40px" /> While impact is the most important to cost-benifit analysis, if you need to kick out (stop arguing) the disadvantage you can concede the impact and re-use the links and uniqueness for a different impact.


So how do we use them?

Cost-benefit analysis & Net Benifit