Importance of topicality ✨

So lets say you’re discussing fiscal income, and then the AFF says you should implement the death penalty. Let’s assume you aren’t able to instantly build a new NEG in 4 in seconds, and take a step back. Topicality is an important tool for keeping the AFF in check, should the veer off topic, by saying they should lose by not addressing the resolution.

Remember to pay special attention to topicality as both the AFF and NEG, because it is a procedural it resolves before the plan and standard debate. This means it’s often a voting issue.

The Topic:

Resolved:The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and or providing a basic income.

<aside> 👉 If you hate K-Affs, pay attention, because this is your main way to “nuh-uh” their plan.


Topicality for the NEG

Parts of the Topicality Shell


What do you think the topic means? Read definitions here to support your interpretation of the topic.


Why does the plan not meet your interpretation, or why is it distinct from the words you’ve defined?


Why should we vote on topicality? Why is this interpretation best?

🗳️ More on voters…

Voters is made up of three parts, make sure to keep your argument in tact through all of these.

Limits ⏹️


Education 🎓