1. Use email chains for sharing your speeches 📨
  2. Use a timer, not a stopwatch ⏳
  3. Start working on Cross-x as soon as you can see the doc, by two minutes before the speech ends you should have 10 questions thought up ❓
  4. Don’t ask about authors, go off of what the card says in cross-x 📔
  5. Watch debates, learn from others mistakes, and what judges think of their debates 👀
  6. Read plan texts in the 1AC, unless you’re breaking a new AFF. ✅
  7. When asking questions, don’t cut the other team off early as it may withhold information ✂️
  8. Never flow off the document, you will drop analytics 🌊
  9. You should time both your own speeches, and the other teams speeches
  10. Time the other team to stop them from abusing lack of check ⏰
  11. Doc organization is an important part of ethos, and appearing to know what you are doing. 📝
    1. Make sure your document is properly set up and tagged, with transitions between DAs, CPs, and the plan.
    2. Make sure you don’t read the same card multiple times
      1. Label your cards by number to make it clear which is which
  12. Always flow
  13. Don’t steal prep, only talk to your partner during prep. ☄️
    1. If you aren’t sure if your opponents are stealing prep, talk to them so they are focused on talking to you
  14. Have your documents finalized so you can send them :lau
  15. Only read what you highlight, do not read extra or less. This is called clipping, and is an automatic loss. If you are moving on early, say cut card. ⏱️
  16. Do your line by line, align your augments with the other teams
  17. How much prep should you take for each speech?
No prep No prep 0-2 Minutes 3-4 Minutes 0 Minutes 2-3 Minutes Remainder Remainder

<aside> 🤝 Remember to have your partner help you write the 2NR and 2AR


  1. Respond to arguments you don’t want contested in the 1NR because the other team has no cross-x