So what are they?

Unlike other frameworks, Debate assigns points out of 30. The scale only goes from 25-30 in most cases, and they aren’t just for feedback, they actually affect seeding in tournaments, alongside win/loss ratio; the better your points are, the better the teams you debate are.

<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-up-basic_purple.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-up-basic_purple.svg" width="40px" /> If you’re getting low 29s or high 28s, it means there is something you can be doing better.


Excellence is a habit! 🔁

Adapting to your judge 🎚️

Inside the round

Participants get to flow, think, and prepare to respond to the other teams, there’s a rush to working hard in a debate

Outside the round

Judges get to sit outside the round, and do nothing for two hours. any excuse you give them to tune out they will take. Good speaker points start by recognizing that the judge needs to be involved instead of bored.

30 tips for 30 speaker points

Section 1: Control what you can 🎛️

1. Have equipment prepared