AFF Arguments: 23 FL Lab/CNDI 23 Evidence Set/Starter Packet?preview=Aff+-+FJG+Starter+-+CNDI+23.docx
NEG Aruments:
AFF Overview: Competitive advantage
- Infrastructure is declining nationwide due to a lack of investment 🧨
- We need a federal policy change to rework our infrastructure 📰
And ⬇️
- Infrastructure is vital to competing with other countries, both in terms of military and economy. ⚖️
- We need a strong infrastructure to compete with Chinese hegemony (military dominance) and maintain leverage.
- Good infrastructure = less resources lost to train derailments, less gas wasted on bad roads, etc. More efficiency and economic activity overall
And ⬇️
- Infrastructure is the backbone of economic and military power; strong infrastructure results in more economic growth in the economy and a more stable military.
And ⬇️
- Chinese economic competition results in the US losing jobs and China growing stronger.
- Fewer jobs = weaker economy meaning fewer jobs and a weaker economy
- China is an ally of the US economically because our economy is strong.
- A strong economy is key to peace and resisting Chinese dominance
Which causes 💥
- The US keeps China in check because of economic and military strength
- China will invade Taiwan if the US is no longer needed because slow growth allows China to compete with our economic and military strength, resulting in a nuclear war.
Therefore… ✅
- We should use an infrastructure jobs guarantee to maintain our strong economy and promote economic growth over the long term.